Condition (Asset)

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Conditions are used everywhere in FQ. They decide if something should happen or not. Some types and fields only work in specific situations. Conditions are always checked with an event attached.

Field Type Description
Label String A unique label for your asset to be accessed by. Warning, NEVER change a label after using the asset somewhere or you may cause broken links!
Description String Helpful description for your condition. This is only seen in the editor and when searching.
Type String Type of condition. Each condition has its own data. You cannot create custom types on the fly, you'll have to edit the source code in that case.
Target nr Int If the event used when checking the condition has more than 1 target, you can specify the target by index to check the condition against. This field is not widely used. If set to -1, it will check the condition against ALL players in the event. If the condition isn't checked against an event target (such as checking a dvar or quest status), I strongly advise setting this to 0 as it saves calculation time.
Caster Boolean By default, conditions are checked against event players. Checking caster will reverse target and sender.
Inverse Boolean Inverts the condition, making it validate to TRUE if the condition does NOT checkout.
Any Player Boolean By default, conditions requires all event players (specified by Target nr) to pass the condition. Checking "Any Player" will validate the condition if at least ONE target is valid.
Debug Boolean Used by devs to output log data. Leave it unchecked unless you're working on the source code.
Caching type String Leave this at Auto. It's used by some built in conditions to bypass the condition cache. (The cache speeds up condition checks greatly)
Targ override conditions Condition (Asset) If at least one targ override condition is set, it will ignore the event target and run the condition against any player that matches the override conditions.
Subconditions Condition (Asset) When set, the condition becomes a condition package. Note that the condition package itself doesn't check its own condition, only the conditions specified in the subconditions.
Min Integer Requires subconditions. Minimum number of subconditions that need to be valid for this condition to validate to TRUE. Use -1 for ALL.
Max Integer Requires subconditions. Maximum number of subconditions that need to be valid for this condition to validate to TRUE. Use -1 for ANY.