Creating a Text

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Note. If you're looking the full documentation for the Text asset, visit Text_(Asset)

After creating a mod, find the texts database by clicking "Text" on the asset menu (left menu).

Warning: The items in grey are official texts. If you click them, you'll create an extension asset which allows you to modify existing content. If you don't change anything, it won't affect the game, but having extension assets that aren't used will still make your mod larger. You can control-click an extension to remove it.

Starting from Scratch

  • Press the "New" button in the text database listing.
  • First off you'll want to write the text. Let's write one with the following premises: A humanoid character bends another humanoid character over and spanks them.
  • I'll start off with the easy part, the text: "%S bends %T forwards before swatting %Shis hand across the %Trace's %Trsize %butt!"
  • You may notice that I'm suing %S, %T etc. %S gets replaced with the NAME of the SENDER (person that used the action). %T is replaced with the TARGET'S NAME. %Shis is a pronoun for the sender, so he, him, his. %Trace gets replaced by the SPECIES of the TARGET. %Trsize gets replaced with the butt size of the TARGET (if they used any tags like pl_large_butt), or blank if none. %butt is replaced with any synonym for butt.
  • Ignore nr targets and weight for now. If you want to read more about those, click the question mark in the top right corner of the text editor.


The conditions area has a linker to the Conditions table. Conditions are used to limit when something may happen. In the case of text, every event raised in the game will be checked against the texts to see if one should be triggered. As such, it's important to get conditions correct. If you click the Library button, you'll be able to select conditions from the conditions database. If you click unique (not recommended) you'll create one that's only ever used for this particular text.

Below the conditions area are a few template buttons. We know that this text should only trigger when an action is used by a humanoid on a humanoid. So Humanoid on Humanoid is the best option, and gives us a good starting point. Clicking the button adds the following conditions:

  • eventIsActionUsed : Remember that texts are checked against ALL game events, not just actions. So we need to check if the event was actionUsed, since we want the text to trigger from a game action.
  • actionHit : Never trigger this text if the action missed.
  • senderNotBeast : The sender is humanoid
  • targetNotBeast : The target is humanoid

At this state, the text would be a viable trigger from ANY action used, which isn't good. So we'll click Library and search for stdarouse, add action_stdArouse. This makes sure the text only triggers from the standard Arouse action.

One more condition we might to consider is that bending a player over may not make sense if they're tied up to a bondage device. So we'll click Library again and search for targetStanding. This is a fairly easy catch-all that makes sure the target isn't knocked down, bondaged, or grappled.

We finally end up with: actionHit, eventIsActionUsed, senderNotBeast, targetNotBeast, action_stdArouse, targetStanding

There's an absolute boatload of conditions. If you need inspiration you can spend a good while scrolling through them all.


There's 2 types of tags: turnTags and metaTags. All you need to know about turnTags is that they're tags that are applied to a player for one attack only. It can be used to "chain" texts, but isn't used much since the parallel attack update. All of them start with tt_ and you can create your own just by typing them in. Conditions can then search for the TurnTargs and react accordingly. For an instance if you have a text like "%S spanks %T" and set the tt_spanked turn tag, you can create another text like "%S spanks %T even harder!" with the ttSpanked condition. The chances of that happening in combat are exceedingly rare though after the parallel combat update, so I wouldn't bother using it nowadays.

The more important tags are the meta tags. These are mainly used in combat banter, but also in fetishes. These tags start with me_ and you should scroll through them and add any that are relevant to your text. In my case I'll settle for me_slap, me_slot_butt, me_painful.


ArmorSlot is used for the armor hit sounds, like the clonk whenever you punch someone with a breastplate. If your text targets upper or lower body, set the relevant armor slot. Otherwise leave it at NONE. It's not hugely important, but adds a bit of flavor.

Audio Kits can be used if you want to play a sound but not trigger a hit effect.

HitFX are particles and sounds. Pick one that most closely matches what your text is going for. In my case I'll just use "slap". You can check out the HitFX table to preview actions. Just remember to delete any extensions you may create by inspecting them. You can ctrl+click an asset with blue text to remove its extension.

That's all you need to do in order to add a new text!

Copying existing

Let's assume you want to add a text to the standard Arouse action available to the Offense archetype. The action is called stdArouse. Type that into the search box and hit enter. You'll get a list of all actions using the action_stdArouse condition. Find something similar to what you want to write, and alt+click it to create a copy in your mod. You can then modify your copy freely.