Creating an Exploration Dungeon

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Exploration dungeons are procedurally generated dungeons which give you Cartographs once you fully explore them. They consist of collections of room assets that are then randomly connected.

Creating Rooms

Go to the Room asset listing (left menu), and create a new room. Give it a unique label.

To get up to speed, I suggest going through the Creating_a_Dungeon guide. The main difference from the guide is that you don't need to link doors or setup loot. Instead, the game will check for certain items that each cell needs. This is displayed in red text right below the 3d editor. You'll need the following items:

  1. Doors: Add doors in all directions. The travel direction is auto detected based on the rotation of the door. Note that you can prevent the dungeon dungeon from going UP or DOWN from the entrance. In that case you can skip the UP or DOWN doors. If you add multiple doors with the same direction, one will be picked at random, adding some randomness to the layout. I recommend adding at least 2 doors in each direction.
  2. Treasure: Go to Generic > Marker [M] Treasure to add treasure locations. You'll want to add at least one, but you can add as many as you like to make it a bit more random.
  3. Lever: You can turn off levers in your dungeon and not have to use them. But if you want to use levers, go to Dungeon > Door [M] WallLever and add at least one, tho 3 are preferred since a room may end up with many levers.
  4. Player markers: Add at least 4 player markers from Generic > Marker > [M] Player.

When done, the red text should go away.

To speed things up when generating similar rooms, you can alt+click a room in the database listing to clone it. Then move stuff around and/or change the room asset and/or rotation.

Creating the Dungeon

  1. Go to the Proc. Dungeon listing and create a new one. Give it a unique label, such as myProcDungeon.
  2. If you don't want to allow going up from the entrance (such as an outdoor dungeon) you can uncheck Allow up.
  3. If you don't want to allow cells below the entrance, you can uncheck Allow down.
  4. If you don't want levers and locked doors, uncheck Levers.
  5. Check Random Encounters if you want random encounters such as dice rolls or traps (recommended on).
  6. In room templates, click unique to add one.
  7. Here you'll link a room template you created in the last stage.
  8. You can also add conditions. A common one is roomBelowGroundLEvel or roomGroundLevel to make that room only show up below or at the entrance level. It's commonly used when creating outdoor dungeons where you want all the ground level rooms to be outdoor ones and any below ground level to be caves or dungeons. If you uncheck both Allow Down and allow Up, conditions don't really matter.
  9. You can alt click the room templates to clone them. Useful when setting up many similar rooms.
  10. Adding encounters works in a similar way. If you for an instance only want to allow gropers on the entrance level for outdoor areas, you can use the roomGroundLevel condition.

Connecting it to the World

  1. Load up the dungeon editor and pick the cell you want to connect it to. Add a door or similar and double click it to bring up the mesh properties.
  2. Set the name to something like "Explore Dark Halls" if you wanna call your dungeon "Dark Halls".
  3. Add a unique game action and set the type to proceduralDungeon.
  4. Set the dungeon label to what you want to call that instance of the dungeon, such as Dark Halls. You can reuse the same dungeon tileset as different exploration dungeons by setting their label to something unique here. For an instance if I want to use the myProcDungeon set in multiple areas of the world, I can set one to "Dark Halls" and another one to "Dank Halls".
  5. In templates, pick the myProcDungeon you created above.
  6. You're done! Load up the world and try it! You can use the game.removeProceduralDungeonState('Dark Halls') if you want to reset it.