Creating an Exploration Event
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An exploration event is a random event that may pop up while you're exploring the world. They're almost universally based on roleplays and most commonly found in exploration dungeons, but you can add them to normal dungeons too.
- First off create a new roleplay. I suggest following the Creating_a_Roleplay guide. When labeling it, I strongly recommend starting the label with expEvt_, like expEvt_crabPinch
- When done with your RP, create a new encounter. I suggest labeling it the same as your RP.
- Make sure Proc Event is checked. I recommend using the following settings: Friendly Checked, respawn time 100000. Add players and connect the RP to the Start/Passive Game Actions as outlined in the Creating a Roleplay guide.
- It's important to set conditions on your encounter for the procedural dungeon generator to know where one can happen. For an instance you'll want to add the dungeonRoomIndoor condition if you only want the encounter to happen indoors, and procEncounterViableImp to only allow the encounter if it's in a location where you may encounter imps. It's up to you how you want to limit where your encounters can be found.
Setting a dungeon cell to an exploration event
- If you want to add exploration events to a non-generated dungeon, you can do so by editing the cell and checking "Random Event". You'll also want to consider adding some encounters to it since they're used in the exploration event conditions. For an instance, if you used procEncounterViableImp as a condition in the exploration event encounter, you'll want to add an imp encounter to the cell encounters to tell the game that exploration events involving imps are ok here.