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The math system in FQ is pretty powerful, and is gradually receiving additional functions which allows you to use it for custom scripts. If a field states that it's a formula, then it uses the math system. The system is based on math.js and all features are supported in FQ, plus a few extras. For an instance, if a field supports a formula, then typing 3+2 into the field would evaluate to 5. Not very useful, but it becomes useful when you use math vars.

Math Vars

Math vars are variables you can reference. The available vars depend on the game event that caused the formula to be evaluated (if any). For an instance, you could use 5/g_team_1 as a formula to divide 5 by the nr of players on team 1.

Game vars (always available):

Var Explanation
g_rain Amount of rain, between 0 and 1.
g_sod Nr of seconds into the current day.
g_team_n Nr of players on team n (like g_team_0 etc)
g_time Time in seconds since the game started (in-game time, any action will affect time)

Dungeon vars (Always available):

Dungeon vars all use the formula: d_<dungeonLabel>_<dVarLabel>

For an instance: the dungeon yuug_portswood_cave has the dungeon var exit_found. You'd reference it by d_yuug_portswood_cave_exit_found.

You can also use %d to automatically target the current dungeon, like %d_exit_found instead of d_yuug_portswood_cave_exit_found.


Factions all use the formula: f_<factionLabel> such as fac_rattani for the rattani faction value. See the faction help in the editor for more info.


Currently quest vars only store information about when they were completed (game time): q_<questLabel>__time


Var Explation
rp_targs Nr of RP targs in active roleplay.
rp_<rpLabel>_<rpVar> Fetch an RP var from any RP. Note: To use this, the RP must be set as rpVars Persistent.

You can also use %rp for short to target the currently active roleplay. Such as %rp_var instead of rp_borm_tavern_mayah_var


If a sender is in the event,

Advanced Formulas
