Creating a Roleplay

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Revision as of 00:23, 16 September 2023 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In FQ, the dialogue box that shows up when you talk to NPCs is called a Roleplay. # To start, find the Roleplay button on the left to view a listing of roleplays. Click New to create a new one. # Give it a unique label, I'll call mine "rpTest" and uncheck persistent, once, and auto play. '''WARNING: DO NOT EDIT LABELS AFTER SETTING THEM'''. # Description is only used internally in the editor. For more information about the fields, click the question mark at the top righ...")
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In FQ, the dialogue box that shows up when you talk to NPCs is called a Roleplay.

  1. To start, find the Roleplay button on the left to view a listing of roleplays. Click New to create a new one.
  2. Give it a unique label, I'll call mine "rpTest" and uncheck persistent, once, and auto play. WARNING: DO NOT EDIT LABELS AFTER SETTING THEM.
  3. Description is only used internally in the editor. For more information about the fields, click the question mark at the top right of the window.
  4. The recommended way to create roleplays nowadays is to use the Outliner. Click the Outliner button to bring it up. You can only have one outliner at a time.

Outliner Basics

  1. The roleplay block will show in the middle of the outliner. The squares are referred to as "blocks". If you edit the roleplay you'll see the block change. But some edits may require you to click the refresh button at the top right of the outliner screen.
  2. Notice the yellow connection on the right, that's an input which accepts a single roleplay stage. A roleplay stage is a collection of one or more texts to be shown on the screen, and optionally some responses for the player to use.
  3. Right click on a grey area and select + Stage to create a stage.
  4. You can drag blocks around by their titles. You can zoom with the scroll wheel and pan by dragging the background.
  5. Drag a line from the output (left side) of the stage or from the roleplay to connect them. This sets the entry stage for the roleplay.
  6. Click inside the stage block to bring up the stage editor, or click + New Text to create a text immediately. For the sake of the demo I'll just add a text with "Hello!" in the first stage. Then in the stage editor I'll check the "Leave" button to auto generate a "[Leave]" response.
  7. Right click and create a reply. Connect it to the Stage.
  8. Click inside the reply to change its properties. I'll set the text to "How are you?" and leave the rest as default.
  9. Next I'll create another Stage block and connect it to the yellow node on the reply.
  10. I'll click + New Text and set it to "Fine thank you!" and leave everything else empty. If a stage has no replies, it automatically creates a "[Leave]" option.
  11. Load up a game of FQ and type in the console: game.setRoleplay('rpTest', true, game.players[0]) Note: Ctrl+Shift+J opens the console in Chrome.
  12. If everything worked you should now be able to go through the roleplay.


  1. Replies and Goto can have conditions.
  2. In the RP we created above, create a new Goto and link it to the blue node of the "How are you?" reply.
  3. Click in the middle of the Goto block to bring up the goto editor. Click Library under Conditions, search for and add targetBreastsLarge.
  4. Create a new Stage and link it to the yellow node of the goto.
  5. Create a text in the stage and set it to "Very fine now that you are here!"
  6. If you save and load up the RP again through the console, if your character has the large_breasts tag, the "How are you?" response will now take you to the "Very fine now that you are here!" reply, otherwise to "Fine thank you!"