Creating Music

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Revision as of 21:28, 24 October 2023 by JasX (talk | contribs)
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Music in FQ is a bit complicated since it tries to do smart transitions. What you'll need is:

  1. An intro bit
  2. A loop
  3. An outro bit

Let's take a simple piece as an example:

Short full track built in FL studio

It's a full piece with an intro, loop, and outro.

First off, let's render the loop as an ogg. I'll call it looptest_loop.ogg

  • You don't NEED to include the silence at the start, but it makes it easier for you to setup later.
  • Make sure the export doesn't offset the time. I know FL MP3 exports adds silence at the start, which offsets your whole file. But going FL->OGG doesn't have that issue.
  • Consider a fairly low bitrate since it's web audio. It comes down to how long your track is really.
  • Make sure to include reverbs etc after the track end. In FL you select "leave remainder" on export.
Mute all the snare fills, reverse crashes etc that go on the intro and outro.

Next we'll render only the intro bits. I'll call it looptest_intro.ogg

I've muted everything but the intro bits.

Finally we'll render only the outro bits. I'll call it looptest_outro.ogg

Everything muted but the outro. Make a note of the time you start the render at. I've marked to render from bar 5.

You'll need to make a note of when the "hit" occurs based on when you start the render. Here I start from bar 5 and the hit occurs on the second bar (relative to 5). So we'll need to make a mental note that the hit occurs at bar #2. This is a bit confusing since bars start counting at 1, whereas you'd normally start from 0.

Anyhow, we can now plug our stuff into the audio asset in the modtools.

I'll do the following settings:

Setting Value Explanation
Label loopTest A unique identifier for the music asset. Note that you should NOT change this after setting it.
Track Name Loop Test A name for your track. Helps users find your music.
Author JasX Author of the music.
Volume 0.5 You can leave at the default 0.5, but if you're making an epic end boss battle you can go a bit higher.
BPM 130 Beats per minute. MUST match your track. Important!
Loop URL media/audio/music/looptest_loop.ogg URL to your music track. Your will probably start with https://... but I'm hosting it on the FQ server so a relative path is enough.

Note that after adding the URL, a timeline should be populated in the editor.

In 2 The bar number where it starts playing.
Out 6 The bar number where it should loop around.
Transition Points 2, 4, 6 Good places to transition to another track when crossfading.
Intro URL media/audio/music/looptest_intro.ogg Path to the intro file.
Intro in 2 When the intro "hits". If you export the loop from the very beginning, then this is the same as the loop In.
Outro URL media/audio/music/looptest_outro.ogg Path to the outro file.
Outro Out 2 It's what we discussed above. Assuming bar 1 is at the very start of the outro, our outro "hits" on bar 2.

When you've specified all 3 URLs, a widget shows up that shows you markers, and lets you playback your track. Example:

Example of a music asset setup.


  • Your intro must not start after your loop.
  • Your loop must be longer than your intro and outro combined.
  • Absolute maximum BPM is 300.