Shop Token (Asset)

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Revision as of 11:18, 20 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Sets up a token template that a shop requires to sell an item. This is faster than specifying an item and the quant of said item for each asset sold when you want to sell an item for tokens rather than money. {| class="wikitable" |+ !Label !Type !Default !Description |- |Item |Asset | |Asset to trade for. |- |Label |String | |A unique label for your item. '''Do not change after setting up!''' |- |Cost |Int |1 |Number of assets needed for the trade. |}")
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Sets up a token template that a shop requires to sell an item. This is faster than specifying an item and the quant of said item for each asset sold when you want to sell an item for tokens rather than money.

Label Type Default Description
Item Asset Asset to trade for.
Label String A unique label for your item. Do not change after setting up!
Cost Int 1 Number of assets needed for the trade.