Music (Asset)

From FetishQuest Wiki
Revision as of 12:02, 20 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Adding music is a bit involved. But there's a tutorial here. {| class="wikitable" |+ !Setting !Type !Default !Explanation |- |Label |String | |A unique identifier for the music asset. '''Note that you should NOT change this after setting it'''. |- |Track Name |String | |A name for your track. Helps users find your music. |- |Author |String | |Author of the music. |- |Download Link |String | |URL to a place you can download the track. Optional, but reco...")
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Adding music is a bit involved. But there's a tutorial here.

Setting Type Default Explanation
Label String A unique identifier for the music asset. Note that you should NOT change this after setting it.
Track Name String A name for your track. Helps users find your music.
Author String Author of the music.
Download Link String URL to a place you can download the track. Optional, but recommended.
Volume Float 0.5 You can leave at the default 0.5, but if you're making an epic end boss battle you can go a bit higher.
BPM Int 130 Beats per minute. MUST match your track. Important! Cannot exceed 255.
Simple Fade In Int 0 If you want the track to just fade in instead of using intro and outro points, you can set the fade in time here in milliseconds.
Simple Fade Out Int 0 Same as fade in, but on the tail end.
Loop URL String URL to your music track. HTTPS is required. Must be an OGG file. Note that after adding the URL, a timeline should be populated in the editor.
In Int 1 The bar number where it starts playing.
Out Int 1 The bar number where it should loop around.
Transition Points Array Int Good places to transition to another track when crossfading.
Intro URL String Path to the intro audio file.
Intro in Int 1 When the intro "hits". If you export the loop from the very beginning, then this is the same as the loop In.
Outro URL String Path to the outro file.
Outro Out Int 1 It's what we discussed above. Assuming bar 1 is at the very start of the outro, our outro "hits" on bar 2.

When you've specified all 3 URLs, a widget shows up that shows you markers, and lets you playback your track.