HitFX (Asset)
A HitFX is a collection of particles, CSS effects, and audio to play. Often tied to a text to add particles and sound effects to attacks.
Field | Type | Default | Description |
Label | String | A unique label to access your HitFX by. Do not change after setting it up! | |
Description | String | Describe your effect, only used in the editor. | |
Stagger | Int | 0 | Force a time in milliseconds between triggers. Usually used for AoE to prevent the HitFX to play at the same time on all targets. |
Once | Boolean | False | Used in events with multiple targets (such as AoE) to only play the effect once. Especially if the effect only plays on the sender. |
Hit Time | Int | 0 | Can be used for audio triggers to play the combat hit grunts after this amount of milliseconds. |