Procedural Dungeon (Asset)

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This lets you create procedural dungeons (exploration dungeons). In order to link a procedural dungeon to the world, create a door in the dungeon room and double click it to add a game action of type "proceduralDungeon", set the label to a unique label for your dungeon, and then link this dungeon template to the game action.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique label for your procedural dungeon. Do not modify after setting up!
Allow Up Boolean True If turned off, the dungeon won't generate any rooms above the entrance height.
Allow Down Boolean True If turned off, the dungeon won't generate any rooms below the entrance height.
Levers Boolean False If turned on, levers and locked doors will be generated. Note that you have to make sure that the dungeon room assets used all have lever placeholders in them.
Random Encounters Boolean False Allows encounters marked as Proc Event to be added to some rooms.
Fog override Float 0 Use 0 to turn off. See Room for more information.
Ambient light String Overrides ambient light. See Room for more information.
Ambiance String URL to an ambient OGG file to use, unless the room itself has ambient set.
Ambiance volume Float 0.2
Saturation Float 1.3 Dungeon color saturation. Can be overridden in rooms. See Room for more info.
Reverb Type String Room Mesh Lets you set reverb type for your dungeon unless overridden by the rooms themselves. Room Mesh will use the room mesh settings.
Reverb intensity Float PASS Setting to pass automates it. Otherwise you can override the room asset reverb intensity.
Lowpass filter Float PASS Setting to pass automates it. Otherwise you can override the room asset lowpass filter. Mainly used for underwater dungeons.
Test Audio N/A Plays a random sample with your audio settings.
Room Templates Room Template Adds rooms to the list of rooms that can be added.
Encounters Encounter Template Adds encounters that can be found in the dungeon.
Ambient Music Music Sets music to play in the dungeon. Note that rooms/encounters/RP may override this.
Combat Music Music Sets combat music to play in the dungeon. Note that rooms/encounters/RP may override this.