Creating a Mod

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To create a mod on the dev branch, use

To create a mod on the live branch, use

Note that these tutorials are designed for the dev branch, and may not reflect the live branch entirely due to new features being tested on dev.

  1. Click File -> New Mod
  2. Give your mod a name and an author, and press create. Note: Your mod is automatically enabled next time you play FQ. However, any changes made to a mod will require a browser refresh in your FQ window.
  3. Click the Cheat Sheet button in the top menu for basic instructions and keybindings.
  4. Click File -> Settings to add more information to your mod. This is only necessary if you plan to distribute your mod.

That's great and all, but I really just wanna fuck around

If you only want to mess around while learning the devtools, go to File -> Load and Clone Main Mod. It will create a clone of the main mod which overrides the official content. This is not recommended for general modding since you'll end up overwriting the official content when distributing it. But it can be used as a learning tool as it allows you to edit any existing aspect of the game and see how it's built.

That said, while learning, you can keep the clone open in one tab and use it to see how something was made while working on your own mod in another tab.

This guide will assume you're making your own mod from scratch.

Warning: Labels

Most assets in FQ are linked together by labels. Whereas an editor allows you to edit a label, it's going to create a lot of broken links as linked assets don't update automatically. As such it's very important that you only change the label upon asset creation, and then don't touch it again.


Players in FQ have tags. But tags are also given to players from the dungeon, rooms, assets in the room, effects, and clothes. Tags are a great way to write situational texts, but can be used anywhere you can use a condition.


A mod is made up of multiple assets. These can be created from the menu on the left. Most asset editors have a question mark on the top right. Clicking that will open their relevant wiki page.