Creating an Enchant

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Revision as of 01:12, 16 September 2023 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Enchants are just wrappers that can appear on (mostly randomly generated) armor. # Start by creating a wrapper. I'll label mine superHpEnchant. # I'll uncheck detrimental and tick on turn start, and I'll set the rarity to legendary. You don't need a name or icon. # I'll set description to "+20 max HP". # Ctrl+click the interrupt effect, and both targetNotDead as they'll never be checked on an enchant. # To speed things up, I'll click library on effects, then search for...")
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Enchants are just wrappers that can appear on (mostly randomly generated) armor.

  1. Start by creating a wrapper. I'll label mine superHpEnchant.
  2. I'll uncheck detrimental and tick on turn start, and I'll set the rarity to legendary. You don't need a name or icon.
  3. I'll set description to "+20 max HP".
  4. Ctrl+click the interrupt effect, and both targetNotDead as they'll never be checked on an enchant.
  5. To speed things up, I'll click library on effects, then search for maxhp and alt+click maxHP10 to create a clone.
  6. Then change the effect label to "maxHP20" and update the description accordingly
  7. I'll also change the amount from 10 to 20.
  8. Then go back to the linker and hit refresh, and select the newly created mxHP20 effect.

To attach it to a specific piece of armor, that's all you have to do. Just link it to the asset's passives. But for it to show up on randomly generated equipment, we need an Armor Enchant asset from the left menu.

  1. Create a new Armor Enchant asset. Label it "superHP".
  2. As a description I'll add +20HP. The description here isn't shown anywhere, it just makes it easier to search for.
  3. I'll set rarity to legendary.
  4. If you create a detrimental enchant, you can check Is Curse.
  5. In wrappers I'll link my superHpEnchant
  6. If you want to add some conditions you can do so here. Keep in mind there's no sender/target, only an asset. But you could add conditions such as asset_lowerBody to make it so the enchant only appears on lower body or bodysuit armor. This can be handy if you want to set a limit to 1 enchant per character.