Audio Kit (Asset)
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The sound Kit is primarily made up of a JSON array that lets you tweak a bunch of settings with the audio. A sound kit is simply one or more sounds that should play.
Field | Type | Default | Description |
Label | String | A unique label for your sound kit. Do not modify after setting up! | |
Follow Parts | Boolean | False | When tied to a HitFX that moves particles across the screen (such as a bolt visual), the sound will follow the bolt. |
Conditions | Condition | Conditions to play this audio kit. | |
Data | JSON | A JSON array of sound objects. See below. |
Data consists of a JSON array of sound objects.
Field | Type | Default | Description |
s | Source Object | {"path": "media/audio/battle_finished.ogg", "volume": 0.5} | A JSON audio source object. See below. |
t | Integer | 500 | A delay in milliseconds before playing the sound. |
se | Boolean | False | If the audio kit is tied to a hitfx, the audio will be played from the event sender position rather than event target. |
Field | Type | Default | Description |
path | String | "media/audio/battle_finished.ogg" | Path to the sound to play. Must be an OGG file. |
volume | Float | 0.5 | A value between 0-1 for volume. |
Loop | Boolean | False | If true, the sound will loop. Not recommended. |
Position | Position Object | An object of {x:x_pos, y:y_pos, z:z_pos}. X is a value between 0 and 1 in percent left to right on the screen. Y is a value between 0-1 in percent top to bottom on the screen. Z is how far away the sound is, where -1 is in front of the listener and 1 behind. When tied to a HitFX, this value is auto generated and anything you set here will be ignored. | |
Hit | Boolean | False | Will play the armor hit sound on the target when triggered, and if triggered through a HitFx parented to a Text. Use for heavy hits such as punches or kicks. |