Game Action (Asset)

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Game Actions are like wrappers that affect the game itself rather than players. Even though they could affect players too by applying wrappers. The most common use case is to connect services/RP to NPCs inside of encounters.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique string for your game action. Do not edit after setting up your game action!
Description String A description of what your game action does. Not used in game, but helps track your game actions in the editor.
Type String setDungeon Selects the type of game action to use.
var Varies based on your selected game action. A description of your selected action type is visible in the editor.
Conditions Condition Conditions to run the game action.
Player Conditions Condition By default, the game action target depends on the asset the game action is tied to. But you can override this by making the targets any players that match these conditions, as long as at least one player condition is set.