Material Template (Asset)

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Physical materials that can be applied to different types of equipment. These are always tied to an Asset Template.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique label for your material. Do not alter after setting up your material!
Name String A unique name for your material
Base color name String White Name of the color.
Base color Color White The color itself.
Tintable Boolean True Whether this material can be dyed.
Weight Integer 400 Weight in grams assuming the item the material is tied to is about the size of a shirt.
Level Integer 1 Min level for the material to show up in drops.
Stat Bonus Integer 0 Lets you add some extra stats to the random asset generator. Not currently used in the main game.
Hit Sound String Alternate hit sounds for the item. Can be a URL to an OGG file or a CSV of OGG files. Leave it empty to use the item tags to auto pick a sound for you.
Stats Int 0 Lets you tweak stats for the base item. You can use negative values. Try to keep the total sum to 0, or up to +4 for high level items.
Tags Tag Tags to add to the player while wearing an item with this material. Starting with as_