Asset Template (Asset)

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An asset template describes parameters to auto generate an item (usually armor). It's commonly used in Player Templates and Autoloot game actions.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique identifier for your asset template. Do not change the label once you're done setting up your asset template!
Name String Name your item. Doesn't have to be unique.
Shortname String A short name for your item. For an example "leather thong of fate" should be shortened to "thong". Use your own discretion.
Level Int 5 Sets a minimum level for when this template should start appearing in the game.
Size Float 1 Sets a size. We're using a full sized shirt as a comparison. So if a bra is roughly 20% the size of a full shirt, set it to 0.2. Used in weight calculations. Use your own discretion.
Base color name String Name of the item's color.
Bas color Color The actual color of the item.
Icon Icon Item icon.
Hit sounds String Leave empty to use default. But you can also supply a URL to an OGG file or a CSV. Plays when the player is hit on that slot with certain attacks (only affects upper/lower body armor slots).
Description String Describe your item.
Stats Int 0 Lets you give required stats to your template. Most items do NOT use this field, as stats are auto generated elsewhere.
Slot Array lowerBody Set which slots the item should be equipped to (if any).
Materials Material Template Material templates that this item supports. Generally only used for armor.
Tags Tags Tags that describe your item. Should start with as_
Passives Wrapper Wrappers that should ALWAYS be applied to this item. Consider leaving this blank as they're usually auto generated.