Wrapper (Asset)

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A wrapper is a collection of effects to run immediately, ticking, on events, or passively. Wrappers with no duration are called instant effects. Wrappers with an infinite duration are called passives. And wrappers with a limited duration are called buffs or debuffs depending on what they do.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique label for your wrapper. Do not change after finishing creating your wrapper!
Editor Description String Adds a short description of your wrapper to help you locate it when searching. This field is only used in the editor, and not shown in game.
Name String Name of your wrapper. Doesn't have to be unique. Only needed in buffs/debuffs.
Icon Icon Icon of your wrapper. Only needed in buffs/debuffs.
Target String Target of your wrapper. Auto, Caster and AoE are the most commonly used one.
Duration Int 0 How long the effect should last. Using -1 on a wrapper applied in combat will last until combat ends.
Stacks Int 1 Amount of stacks to add. Leave at 1 for instant effects.
Max Stacks Int 1 Max stacks a player can have. Leave at 1 for instant effects.
Rarity String COMMON Only used for wrappers attached to armor. Used to set the color of the tooltip.
Unique Boolean False When unique, players can only have one wrapper of this type, regardless of caster. Otherwise you may have one instance of each wrapper per caster.
Hidden Boolean False Don't show the icon on the player.
Trigger Immediate Boolean False Doesn't affect instant effects. When checked, trigger all valid effects immediately when the wrapper is applied, otherwise it triggers the first time on their turn.
Tick on turn start Boolean True Triggers effects when the player's turn starts.
Stack time Boolean False When true, duration is added to any existing wrappers, otherwise duration resets to what the duration was set to in the incoming wrapper.
Tick on team turn end Boolean False Triggers effects when the player's team members have all ended their turns.
Tick on personal turn end Boolean False Triggers effects when the player hits the end turn button (or similar), regardless of if their team members have ended their turn or not.
Global Boolean False When checked, all players will receive this wrapper as a passive when they're placed in world. Use sparingly!
Use game timer Boolean False By default, duration is in turns. If you check use game timer, the duration becomes in-game seconds. Mainly used by buffs and debuffs related to items and random events.
Description String Describe the wrapper.
Tags Tag Tags applied to the target. Use wr_ tags.
Effects Effect interrupt Effects to trigger as long as their conditions match.
Add Conditions Condition Conditions required to apply this to a target. If you're using a multi-target target, then each target will be checked before applying it to them individually.
Stay Conditions Condition Conditions required for this wrapper to stay on its target.