Player Template (Asset)

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If you want help creating a monster, check out the monster tutorial!

A player template is a template for a character that gets randomly generated when you encounter them. Used in most random encounters. For boss encounters you\'ll want to use Player assets instead.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique label for your template. Do not alter after creating.
Name String A name for your template. Does not have to be unique.
Species String Species for your template.
Voice String Voice kit. Not used by the official game.
Image String URL to the fully dressed NPC. Do not use if using advanced art layers.
Image Upper Body String URL to art of your NPC wearing only upper body armor. Do not use if using advanced art layers.
Image Lower Body String URL to art of your NPC wearing only lower body armor. Do not use if using advanced art layers.
Image Nude String URL to art of your NPC wearing no armor. Or if your NPC has only one art layer. Always use this field.
Image Base Path String Prepended to any art URLs (including advanced). Generally the domain.
Max Action Int 3 Max actions the NPC can have, picked at random from the viable actions field. Use -1 for unlimited.
Min Level Int 1 Minimum level for players to encounter this NPC unless there are no alternatives in the encounter that fit.
Max Level Int 10 Maximum level for players to encounter this NPC unless there are no alternatives in the encounter that fit.
Max nr: Int -1 Sets a cap on how many of this NPCs may be generated into a single encounter. Use -1 for unlimited.
Carried copper: Int 100 Max number of copper for this NPC to carry.
Gear quality Float 0.2 Quality of gear worn and dropped.
Gear chance Float 0.6 Chance of having a piece of equipment.
Min size Float 4 Minimum size of NPC. Consider 4-7 to be humanoid range. Where 4 is shortstack, 5-6 average, and 7 freakishly tall. 0 is insect size and 10 a full sized dragon.
Max Size Float 5 Maximum size of NPC.
Slots Float 1 By default, the amount of slots in a random encounter is equal to the number of players, plus a random amount. Slots is a go to way of making an NPC more difficult. An NPC that takes up 2 slots becomes twice as powerful, but resulting in fewer NPCs as it takes up 2 NPC slots. Generally stick to 1 unless you're making a particularly difficult NPC.
Power Float 1 Can be used to make a monster more or less difficult, but doesn't affect slots. Using slots instead is strongly recommended.
Armor Int 0 Lets you add defensive armor (mainly to beasts since they don't wear armor). Value is percent in whole numbers. So 50 would reduce damage taken by 50% unless the attacker has a way to bypass armor. Recommended values are between 10 and 40.
No equip Boolean False When checked, the NPC won't equip its generated gear. Mimics use this.
Sadistic min Float 0.1 Mainly used for RP and punishment selection.
Sadistic Max Float 1
Dominant Min Float 0.5 Mainly used for RP, and punishment selection if players are defeated.
Dominant Max Float 1
Hetero Min Float 0 Mainly used for RP, but sexuality may also affect the player NPCs choose to attack.
Hetero Max Float 1
Intelligence Min Float 0.4 Mainly used for RP. But may also affect combat strategy. 0.4-0.6 is the span of human intelligence.
Intelligence Max Float 0.5
Talkative Min Float 0.3 Affects chance of NPC speaking during combat. The higher the value the higher the chance
Talkative Max Float 1
Stats Int 0 Affects base stats. Use these, but consider not using more than +-3 to any of these.
Description String Description of your NPC that shows when you inspect them.
Tags Tags Tag your character using the pl_ tags. Unlike editing tags in game, all tags should be prefixed with pl_
Advanced Icon States Player Icon State See the Advanced Art Layers guide.
Random unequipped loot Random Loot Lets you add random loot that shouldn't be equipped.
Viable Gear Asset Lets you add viable handheld assets that should be included in the equipment randomizer and equipped if possible.
Viable Asset Materials Material Template Materials of the viable asset templates field that should be included in the randomizer.
Viable Asset Templates Asset Template Asset templates that should be included in the randomizer.
Viable Consumables Asset Assets that can be equipped to potion slot.
Required Assets Asset Assets that are ALWAYS added, and equipped if possible.
Required Actions Action Actions that should ALWAYS be known, and bypass Max Actions.
Viable Classes Player Class Player classes that this NPC can be.
Passives Wrapper Passive wrappers.