Player Action (Asset)
Player actions decide which NPCs can use what abilities, and what trainers the players can learn new actions at, and actions auto learned by players.
Field | Type | Default | Description |
Label | String | A unique label for your action. Do not change after finishing creating your player action. | |
Cost | Int | -1 | Cost in copper for players to train this. Use -1 for auto calculation. |
Auto learn | Boolean | False | Will auto learn the action for all players that meet conditions. |
Player templates only | Boolean | False | Mark this if only NPCs should be able to use this action. |
Action | Action | Link the action that should be learned. | |
Conditions | Condition | Add any conditions required to learn this action. For players, you usually want a gameActionTag_ condition requiring a specific trainer type. But it could be omitted if you want every trainer in the game to offer the action. |