Asset (Asset)

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Inventory items are also referred to as (game) Assets. Not to be confused with DB assets. A game asset also has a DB asset. Confusing huh?

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique label for your asset. Do not change the label after setting up your asset!
Name String Name of your asset. Can be anything and doesn't have to be unique.
Shortname Article String Only used if your shortname doesn't fit the convention of a before consonant, an before vowel. Otherwise it's auto handled.
Shortname String Short name for your item. Should describe the item at its most basic component. Such as "Epic sword of badassery" should just be "sword".
Autoloot Boolean False If set to true, it's included as a random item in chests.
Dye name String This is mainly used in game for dying. A dye can be changed, but a base color cannot. Leave it empty.
Dye color Color Leave it as pure white.
Base Color Name String Color name of the item. Such as "green".
Base Color Color Set to the color the item icon should have, and show up as on advanced art layers.
Dummy type String none Used mainly for creating stacks of items and putting into a container. When set to label, you set the name to a label of a different item that you want to polymorph it into, and set stacks as the nr to add. For an instance if you want the item to represent 10 gold, set dummy type to label, name to "gold" and stacks to add to 10. Autoloot is currently not implemented.
Level Int 20 Level of item. Only makes sense for armor, since they protect less as you outlevel it. Use -1 to set it to the average player level when players discover the item.
Stacking Boolean false Sets if the item should stack or not. Only use this for items that have no uniqueness. Basically fungible items. Don't use it for potions.
Fitted Boolean false When applied to armor, the weight of the armor is cut in half.
Stacks to add Int 1 Can be set to always give N of this item. Though most commonly used with Dummy type checked.
Charges Int 0 Use with an item use action. Sets how many times the item can be used before running out of charges. Use -1 for infinite charges.
No auto consume Boolean false Prevents charges from being drained if the asset use action fails.
Soulbound Boolean false Prevents players from trading this item to other players.
Colorable Boolean false Allows players to dye the item. Equipment only.
Rem on unequip Boolean false Destroys the item when unequipped. Can be used for summoned or curse gear.
No unequip Boolean false Prevents players from unequipping the item.

can still unequip.

Unequip cost Int -1 Momentum required to unequip this item in combat. Use -1 for default.
Equip cost Int -1 Momentum required to equip this item in combat. Use -1 for default.
Expires Int 0 Self destructs the item after n in-game seconds have passed.
Monetary Value Int 690 Default buy cost in copper.
Weight Int 25 Weight in grams.
Hit sound String Path to a sound file (OGG) for a special hit sound to play when the item is hit (armor). Leave empty to auto generate based on material tags. Can also be a CSV of multiple sounds.
Force this desc Boolean false When checked, the asset description is always used. Otherwise if the asset has an action tied to it, the action description is used instead.
Description String Describe your item
Icon Icon Icon of asset.
Equipment slots Array Selects which slots the item equips to (if any). For an instahile wearing it.
Use Action Action A single action to perform when using the item.
Game Actions Game Actions Game actions to be triggered when used from within your inventory. Note that game actions don't consume charges.
Loot Sound Sound lootCloth Sound to play when looting the item.