Quest Objective Event (Asset)

From FetishQuest Wiki
Revision as of 22:53, 19 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Lets you modify a parent quest objective state based on events. {| class="wikitable" |+ !Field !Type !Default !Description |- |Type |String |add |What math operation to perform when the event is triggered. |- |Data |JSON |{"amount":1} |JSON data. The value of amount can also be a math formula. |- |Conditions |Condition | |Conditions needed to be met to trigger the objective amount modification. Usually an eventIs condition combined with additional c...")
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Lets you modify a parent quest objective state based on events.

Field Type Default Description
Type String add What math operation to perform when the event is triggered.
Data JSON {"amount":1} JSON data. The value of amount can also be a math formula.
Conditions Condition Conditions needed to be met to trigger the objective amount modification. Usually an eventIs condition combined with additional conditions.