Shop Asset (Asset)

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Revision as of 11:30, 20 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Binding for an item that's sold in a store. {| class="wikitable" |+ !Field !Type !Default !Description |- |Item |Asset | |Asset to be sold. |- |Cost |Int | -1 |Sets cost of item. -1 will attempt to use the value set on the item itself. |- |Amount |Int | -1 |Amount of stock for each restock period. Use -1 for infinite. |- |Restock Rate |Int |260000 |Time (in game seconds) for each restock cycle. The restock cycle begins the first time the shop is opened....")
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Binding for an item that's sold in a store.

Field Type Default Description
Item Asset Asset to be sold.
Cost Int -1 Sets cost of item. -1 will attempt to use the value set on the item itself.
Amount Int -1 Amount of stock for each restock period. Use -1 for infinite.
Restock Rate Int 260000 Time (in game seconds) for each restock cycle. The restock cycle begins the first time the shop is opened.
Alt Currentcy Shop Token Lets you set up to trade this for specific items.
Conditions Condition Conditions for this item to show up in the shop. Checked against the player viewing the shop as a target for the condition event.