Dungeon (Asset)

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This is the asset reference. If you want help creating a dungeon, you can check out the Creating a Dungeon tutorial.

Dungeons are collections of rooms (cells) that a player can navigate.

Common pitfalls

  • Avoid adding new rooms to official dungeons. Your rooms may be overwritten in the future. Add a "door" to an official dungeon instead and have it connect to your own dungeon.
Field Type Description
Label String A unique label for your dungeon. I strongly suggest you use a prefix for your mod. Such as if your mod is called "my dungeon mod", prefix your label like mdm_dungeonName. Do not change after creating your dungeon!
Name String Name of your dungeon. Doesn't have to be unique.
Difficulty Float Leave this at -1 for auto generated difficulty. This may be used in the future.
Free roam Boolean Removes the "back" button on doors. Generally used for dungeons that don't have a start or end, such as outdoor areas in the main world.
Fog Override Float Lets you override fog for the entire dungeon. Experiment with the fog value in specific rooms before setting it on an entire dungeon.
Ambient Light String Lets you override the ambient light (currently only works for indoor rooms). Experiment with it in a room before changing the dungeon value.
Time of day override Float Sets time of day between 0-1 where 0 is midnight, 0.5 midday etc. Currently only works on outdoor rooms. Use -1 to use world time.
Rain override Float Overrides the rain setting. Leave at 0 for auto.
Ambiance String URL of an ambient sound file to play. Can be overridden on a room by room basis. Should be an OGG format file.
Ambiance Volume Float Sets the volume of the ambient loop. Default 0.2
Saturation Float Sets the color saturation for the dungeon. Can be overridden in room settings. Default 1.3
Reverb Type String Sets the reverb type for your dungeon. If left at Room Mesh, then the room mesh will automatically decide the best reverb for your dungeon. Reverb can also be set in rooms themselves.
Reverb intensity. Float Drag all the way to the left to set reverb to automatic.
Lowpass filter Float Adds a lowpass filter to sounds, muffling them. Mainly used for underwater areas.
Test audio N/A Triggers a random sound, letting you preview the reverb and lowpass settings.
Ambient music Music Sets ambient music to play in the dungeon. Can be overridden in dungeon room, encounter, and roleplay.
Combat Music Music Sets combat music. Can be overridden in dungeon room and encounter.
Vars JSON Creates a JSON object of dungeon variables. The Dungeon tutorial has a section shows basic dungeon var usage.
Developer comments String These are only visible in the editor. Lets you make comments. Often used to describe what the different dungeon vars do.
Tags Tags Any tags added here will be attached to players and can be used in the tag condition type.
Passives Wrapper Passives applied to all players that match the wrapper conditions.
Rooms Room Contains an editor that lets you add rooms. Note that rooms can only grow in 6 directions and rooms may not overlap. Clicking the direction buttons adds a new room in that direction. Use the dropdown in the top right to change floor. Click a room box to bring up the room editor.