Quest Objective (Asset)

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Quest objectives generally must be completed in order to finish a quest. But you can force end a quest through a game action regardless of objectives completed.

Field Type Default Description
Name String Name of the objective
Amount Needed Int 1 Amount of times the task must be completed for the objective to finish.
Amount to start with Int 0 Lets players start with a certain amount of completions.
Highlight completion description Boolean False Makes the completion description highlighted. Used in BCQ to show important information about the final boss.
Conditional Completion Descs Text Uses a text object to add a completion description with conditions. The first valid one will be the one shown in the quest journal.
Completion Desc String Text to output in the quest log when the objective is completed.
Events Quest Objective Event An event that allows you to modify the completion status. Generally unless your objective is to kill generic enemies, you can use a Game Action instead on encounter defeat or in a roleplay. But if you want to do something like "kill N of any type of goblin", then you'll have to use a quest objective event.
Visibility Conditions Condition If set, these conditions must be met to show the objective in the quest log. Often used to hide the objective until the previous objective has been completed.