Material Template (Asset)
Physical materials that can be applied to different types of equipment. These are always tied to an Asset Template.
Field | Type | Default | Description |
Label | String | A unique label for your material. Do not alter after setting up your material! | |
Name | String | A unique name for your material | |
Base color name | String | White | Name of the color. |
Base color | Color | White | The color itself. |
Tintable | Boolean | True | Whether this material can be dyed. |
Weight | Integer | 400 | Weight in grams assuming the item the material is tied to is about the size of a shirt. |
Level | Integer | 1 | Min level for the material to show up in drops. |
Stat Bonus | Integer | 0 | Lets you add some extra stats to the random asset generator. Not currently used in the main game. |
Hit Sound | String | Alternate hit sounds for the item. Can be a URL to an OGG file or a CSV of OGG files. Leave it empty to use the item tags to auto pick a sound for you. | |
Stats | Int | 0 | Lets you tweak stats for the base item. You can use negative values. Try to keep the total sum to 0, or up to +4 for high level items. |
Tags | Tag | Tags to add to the player while wearing an item with this material. Starting with as_ |
export function help(){
let out = '';
out += '<h3>Material Template:</h3>'+
out += '<h3>Fields</h3>';
out += '<table>';
out +=
'<td>A unique label to access the asset by. WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE AFTER SETTING IT, OR RISK BROKEN LINKS!</td>'+
'<td>Name of the material. Will be prepended to the asset name.</td>'+
'<td>Base color name</td>'+
'<td>Name the color of the item.</td>'+
'<td>Base color</td>'+
'<td>Select a the color.</td>'+
'<td>Check if the material can be dyed at a blacksmith.</td>'+
'<td>Assume the material was attached to an item the size of a shirt. How much would it weigh in grams? For metal I suggest 5000-7000.</td>'+
'<td>Minimum player level for this material to show up in world.</td>'+
'<td>Stat bonus</td>'+
'<td>Can be used to add bonus enchants. Leave at 0 for most materials.</td>'+
'<td>Hit sound</td>'+
'<td>Leave empty. This is auto generated.</td>'+
'<td>Avoidance/Proficiency adjust. I suggest keeping it small, and using negatives. Such as Steel granting 3 sv physical but -2 sv arcane.</td>'+
'<td>Add material tags starting with "as_", such as as_steel, as_metal, as_hard etc.</td>'+
out += '</table>';
return out;