Audio Kit (Asset)

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The sound Kit is primarily made up of a JSON array that lets you tweak a bunch of settings with the audio. A sound kit is simply one or more sounds that should play.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique label for your sound kit. Do not modify after setting up!
Follow Parts Boolean False When tied to a HitFX that moves particles across the screen (such as a bolt visual), the sound will follow the bolt.
Conditions Condition Conditions to play this audio kit.
Data JSON A JSON array of sound objects. See below.


Data consists of a JSON array of sound objects.

Sound Object
Field Type Default Description
s Source Object {"path": "media/audio/battle_finished.ogg", "volume": 0.5} A JSON audio source object. See below.
t Integer 500 A delay in milliseconds before playing the sound.
se Boolean False If the audio kit is tied to a hitfx, the audio will be played from the event sender position rather than event target.
Audio Source Object
Field Type Default Description
path String "media/audio/battle_finished.ogg" Path to the sound to play. Must be an OGG file.
volume Float 0.5 A value between 0-1 for volume.
Loop Boolean False If true, the sound will loop. Not recommended.
Position Position Object An object of {x:x_pos, y:y_pos, z:z_pos}. X is a value between 0 and 1 in percent left to right on the screen. Y is a value between 0-1 in percent top to bottom on the screen. Z is how far away the sound is, where -1 is in front of the listener and 1 behind. When tied to a HitFX, this value is auto generated and anything you set here will be ignored.
Hit Boolean False Will play the armor hit sound on the target when triggered, and if triggered through a HitFx parented to a Text. Use for heavy hits such as punches or kicks.