Roleplay (Asset)

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Revision as of 23:48, 19 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Roleplay is the dialog popup with multiple options you may encounter. In order to trigger a roleplay, you need to tie it to a game action, generally a unique one inside of an encounter. === Definitely Use Outliner Mode === Click the Outliner button to enter outliner mode. This is a vastly superior mode of designing your roleplays. Right click to add a node, and then simply drag and drop to connect them. You can also right cl...")
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Roleplay is the dialog popup with multiple options you may encounter. In order to trigger a roleplay, you need to tie it to a game action, generally a unique one inside of an encounter.

Definitely Use Outliner Mode

Click the Outliner button to enter outliner mode. This is a vastly superior mode of designing your roleplays. Right click to add a node, and then simply drag and drop to connect them. You can also right click a node or path to delete it. Some features are only availabe in the outliner.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique label for your roleplay. Do not edit after setting up your roleplay.
Description String A description that's only visible in the editor. Helps you organize roleplays.
Portrait String URL to a portrait, or an Icon. Portrait can also be left empty to auto fetch from player. And it can be overridden in roleplay stages.
Persistent Boolean True A persistent roleplay maintains its state. Otherwise the roleplay resets when you close it.
Once Boolean True Makes the roleplay only happen once. When closed, the roleplay cannot be reopened.
Auto Play Boolean True Automatically plays the roleplay when encountered.
Auto Play Once Boolean False Requires auto play. Makes the roleplay only auto play once.
rpVars Persistent Boolean False Makes roleplay variables persistent. Otherwise they reset when the roleplay is closed. Consider using dungeon vars if the outcome of a roleplay should affect something in the game outside of the roleplay.
Music Music If set, music is overridden with this track while the roleplay is open.
Player Player When set, this player is used for the portrait and speech bubbles.
Stages Roleplay Stage Stages attached to this roleplay. I strongly suggest using the outliner instead of manually creating stages.
Outliner Opens the RP outliner.
Conditions Condition Conditions needed to start the roleplay.
Player Conditoins Condition By default, roleplays will use the player who triggered it as the roleplay player. Roleplay players can be accessed by %P, %P2 etc and the roleplay players can be modified inside of an RP. You can alternatively add player conditions, then all players who match these conditions will be added as RP players (Including NPCs, so consider using targetOnPlayerTeam). The order of this list is random.
Min Players Int 1 Minimum players that need to pass player conditions in order to start the RP. Setting to -1 means all players on the player team must match.
Max Players Int 1 Maximum players that should be stored as RP targets. The roleplay can still start if exceeded, but the RP Players will be capped to this amount.
Game Actions Game Action Game actions to trigger when the RP is started.
Close Actions Game Action Game actions to trigger when the RP ends.