Armor Enchant (Asset)

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Revision as of 22:12, 19 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Armor enchants describe what wrappers may be used for generated armor, and sets the rarity of the enchant. {| class="wikitable" |+ !Field !Type !Default !Description |- |Label |String | |A unique label for your enchant. '''Do not edit after finishing setting up your enchant!''' |- |Description |String | |Describe your enchant. Not visible in game, but helps you search in the editor. |- |Rarity |String |common |Enchant rarity. |- |Is Curse |Boolean |False |When checked, i...")
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Armor enchants describe what wrappers may be used for generated armor, and sets the rarity of the enchant.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique label for your enchant. Do not edit after finishing setting up your enchant!
Description String Describe your enchant. Not visible in game, but helps you search in the editor.
Rarity String common Enchant rarity.
Is Curse Boolean False When checked, it's treated as a curse rather than an enchant. Higher rarities are usually more powerful.
Wrapper Wrapper Wrapper to add to the asset.
Conditions Condition Conditions needing to be met to apply the enchant. Asset is present in the condition event. asset_lowerBody / asset_upperBody is commonly used to limit certain effects from stacking on both upper and lower body armor.