Room (Asset)

From FetishQuest Wiki
Revision as of 15:43, 19 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Common pitfalls: * Although you can edit and delete assets when extending an official dungeon, I would recommend against it due to the likelihood of it changing down the line. I highly recommend creating a new door or arrow and linking it to your own network of dungeons. === 3D Editor === Click the 3d editor to select it (it will get white borders). While selected, you can use the following hotkeys: {| class="wikitable" |+ !Key !Function |- |Q |Swap between local and w...")
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Common pitfalls:

  • Although you can edit and delete assets when extending an official dungeon, I would recommend against it due to the likelihood of it changing down the line. I highly recommend creating a new door or arrow and linking it to your own network of dungeons.

3D Editor

Click the 3d editor to select it (it will get white borders). While selected, you can use the following hotkeys:

Key Function
Q Swap between local and world coordinates
W Move tool
E Rotation tool
R Scale tool
F Drop to floor
Ctrl Snap to grid
Ctrl+Z/Y Undo/redo edits on a particular mesh
Del Delete selected asset. Can't be undone.
Double click Room asset editor.

Asset Library

The asset library contains categories and a list of assets you can add. Meshes start with [M], double click to add one to the scene.

Clicking Add Player or Add Dir are hotkeys to add some of the most used meshes. You should add at least 4 player markers per room.

Add randomish tries to add meshes that have been used previously in similar rooms.


Field Type Default Description
Label String Note: Only present in procedural dungeon rooms. Should be a unique label. Do not change after setting up!
Name String Name of room. Optional.
Random Event Boolean False When set, a random procedural event (encounter) will be added instead of encounters. That said, encounters can be used in procedural event conditions.
Always Recheck Encounter Boolean False If a dungeon has multiple encounters, the first to pass conditions is triggered, and then that event is stored and set as completed. Checking Always Recheck Encounter forces a check if this encounter is valid each time that room is entered.
Minimap Icon Icon Lets you add a minimap icon to the room.
Outdoors Boolean False Marks the room as outdoors, allowing for weather effects and affecting lighting.
Zoom Float 0 Lets you change how much the camera should zoom in when entering. Leave at 0 for default.
Ambiance String URL to an ambient sound file to play. Must be OGG. If empty, the dungeon parent's ambient will be used. You can check out for a list of built in ambient sounds.
Ambiance volume Float -1 Volume of ambient sound. Set to -1 to use dungeon parent volume.
Fog override Float 0 Set to 0 to use dungeon parent. Use a very small value like 0.0001 when using it
Ambient light String Set to a hex value like #FFAAAA to change the ambient color. Only works indoors.
Time of day override Float -1 Force a specific time of day. Use -1 to use dungeon parent. Only affects outdoor rooms.
Saturation Float 0 Use 0 to use dungeon parent. Alters the room color saturation.
Room Mesh String Sets the room base mesh.
Room asset rotation Int 0 Rotates the room base mesh.
Reverb type String Use Dungeon Lets you change the room's audio reverb type. Use Dungeon uses the dungeon parent setting.
Reverb intensity Float PASS PASS uses the dungeon setting. Sets reverb intensity.
Lowpass filter Float PASS PASS uses the dungeon setting. Sets lowpass filter intensity.
Test Audio Plays a random sound with your sound settings.
Tags Tags Sets tags. These tags will be attached to players when they're in the room.
Encounters Encounter Adds encounters that can be found in this room. Leave empty if you are making a procedural dungeon.
Passives Wrapper Sets passives that all players that match conditions are affected by while in the room.
Ambient Music Music Sets an ambient music track. If not specified, the parent dungeon is tried instead. Note that encounters and RPs can override room music.
Combat Music Music Sets combat music

Procedural Dungeon Room Considerations

A red text will be shown under the 3D editor, showing things you probably want to add.

  • Add at least one door in every direction. If multiple door assets are pointing in the same direction, one will be picked at random. You shouldn't add room asset properties while editing a procedural dungeon room.
  • Avoid adding consumables, use the treasure placeholder instead. Generic > Marker A> [M] Treasure
  • Add at least one lever asset. Dungeon > Door > [M] WallLever