Text (Asset)
Field | Type | Description |
Text | String | The text to generate. See below for tags you can use. |
Enabled | Boolean | Only affects texts in the texts database (so not RP etc). Required checked if you want the text to be included in the combat log. |
Nr Targets | Int | Nr targets REQUIRED to trigger this text. Generally used in custom texts with abilities that can have multiple targets. When making combat texts, make sure there's at least one 1 target text. Conditions are checked against ALL targets and must match. Use -1 for ANY amount of target. -1 is mainly useful for AoE where you only want to have one text. |
Weight | Float | Lets you increase the chance of a text to show up. If you have a lot of conditions, you may want to increase it. Otherwise I suggest simply leaving it at default (in the middle). |
Conditions | Condition (Asset) | Conditions required to trigger this text. |
Condition Templates | N/A | You can use this to quickly add commonly used conditions. Such as if you want your text to be output when an action is used, and if the action was used by a humanoid on a humanoid you can click Humanoid on Humanoid to quickly add the: actionHit, eventIsActionUsed, senderNotBeast, and targetNotBeast conditions. |
Turn Tags | Tags | Sets temporary tags on a the recipient of the text. These will be wiped on the player's next turn. Can be used to add texts that refer to previous texts. Such as if a text triggers that bends the target over, you can set the tt_bent_over text, and then use a condition in the other text such as "ttBentOver" to add a text that assumes that the player was already bent over. It's a bit complicated, and not frequently used. Turn tags start with tt_ |
Meta Tags | Tags | These tags describe the text (generally for the victim). And are mainly used in kinks and for NPC speech. Go through the list and tag anything you feel applies. |
Chat | Boolean | Changes it from a descriptive text to a chat (NPC speech). Changing the text type to chant adds the Chat Player Conditions linker. |
Chat Player Conditions | Condition (Asset) | Conditions that need to be met on the talking NPC for this text to be triggered. If you just want the sender of a text (such as attacker in an action) speak, then you can use senderIsChatPlayer in the regular conditions. But if you want a third party NPC to say something, then you'll have to use chat player conditions. |
Reuse Chat | Boolean | By default, an NPC can only say the same line once per combat. Checking Reuse chat lets the NPC say this line as many times they want. |
Armor Slot | String | If your attack targets armor, mark that here. It's used to trigger the correct sounds, for an instance a clunk if the victim takes a punch to the chest while wearing plate armor. |
Audio Kits | Audio Kit (Asset) | Plays audio when the text is triggered. Note: HitFX includes audio. Only pick Audio Kits here if you want to add additional sounds to a HitFX object, or if you want to play audio without triggering a HitFX. |
HitFX | HitFX (Asset) | Selected HitFX will be triggered when the text triggers. |
Debug | Boolean | Outputs logging information into the console whenever the text's conditions are checked. Leave it unchecked unless you're working on a fork of FQ. |
Extra senders | Condition (Asset) | If left empty, extra senders are ignored. This is if you want to include another player as an extra "attacker" in your text. These extra attackers get the tags %A, %A2... Any players that match the specified conditions will be put into a list, and the first min_extra_senders nr of players will be used. Can be used for texts where two enemies double team a player. Consider not using this for player on NPC attacks. Also note that this is only for flavor, the extra sender doesn't affect combat at all. Click the Add Defaults button to add some suggested conditions. |
Min extra senders | Int | Nr of minimum extra senders that need to match extra sender conditions in order for this text to be triggered. |
Reserved Characters
You cannot use % or @
as characters in your text. They have special uses.
You can use text tags as placeholder for information. For an example, %T is replaced with the event target's name.
Tag(s) | Description |
%T, %T2... | Target full name, colorized. |
%S | Sender full name, colorized. |
%P, %P2... | Roleplay player, colorized. |
%A, %A2... | When using extra sender conditions, these are the matched player names. Colorized. |