Player Substitution (Asset)

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Revision as of 13:46, 19 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Player substitutions allow you to swap players when added to the stage. Primarily useful for gender swapping bosses or NPCs in mods. BCQ uses it to gender swap NPCs. By default, it swaps Players. {| class="wikitable" |+ !Field !Type !Default !Description |- |Comment |String | |Lets you comment what this substitution is for. |- |From is template |Boolean |False |When checked, it will swap player templates to target instead of...")
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Player substitutions allow you to swap players when added to the stage. Primarily useful for gender swapping bosses or NPCs in mods. BCQ uses it to gender swap NPCs. By default, it swaps Players.

Field Type Default Description
Comment String Lets you comment what this substitution is for.
From is template Boolean False When checked, it will swap player templates to target instead of a player.
To is template Boolean False When checked, it will swap from to a player template instead of a player.
Spoof Label Boolean False When checked, the To player will take the From player's label. Recommended on.
From Player/Player Template Player/template to swap from.
To Player/Player Template Player/template to swap to.
Conditions Condition Conditions that need to be met to perform the swap. Often tied to a storyVar condition.