Effect (Asset)
An effect is a block of data that describes something that should affect a player, such as modifying HP or stats. Effects are tied to Wrappers which may contain multiple effects. Effects are always triggered by events.
Field | Type | Default | Description |
Label | String | A unique label for your effect. Do not change this after setting up your effect! | |
Description | String | Describe your effect. This is not used in game, but helps search in the editor. | |
Type | String | Effect type. When you change this value, the description below will change. | |
Don't multiply by stacks | Boolean | False | By default, most integer values will be multiplied by the nr of stacks in the parent wrapper. Checking this sets the stack count to a fixed 1. |
Debug | Boolean | False | Used to output debug output. Only use if you're modifying the FQ source code. |
Targets | Array | Sets what targets the effects should affect. Auto is usually the parent wrapper target. | |
Events | Array | List of events that should trigger the effect. internalWrapperTick is triggered when an instant wrapper is triggered, or a duration wrapper ticks. For most instant effects, you just want internalWrapperTick. You can use as many as you want. | |
Effect Data | JSON | A JSON object which changes based on the type of effect you're editing. Above the editor is a description of the fields you can use, and what the effect does. | |
Tags | Tag | Tags to apply to the target(s) while affected by the effect. | |
Conditions | Conditions | Conditions required for the effect to trigger, or in the case of modifier effects (such as stat modifiers), to apply to the target(s). | |
Subconditions | Conditions | Conditions are always checked with sender/target being the same as the event that triggered the effect. However, if you use a target other than sender/target, and want to check conditions on the recipient, then you can use a subcondition. Sender of the subcondition is always the parent wrapper's owner. |
- If the target of the event that triggered the effect is the holder of the wrapper this effect is attached to, then it flips target/sender. So generally you want to flip so ta_ vars target the owner of the effect, whereas se_ will target the target of the effect. I don't remember why I made it this way, but I think it was important.
- By default, mathVar targets will be the target(s) set in the targets section. If you want to access the parent wrapper's sender or target, you have access to pws_ and pwt_. These stand for parentWrapperSender and parentWrapperTarget, and contain data about the effect parent wrapper\'s send and target.