Roleplay Goto (Asset)

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Revision as of 11:06, 20 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Lets you select a stage that the reply should go to, that way you can use conditions to have the same response take you to different stage. In conditions, target is the player who selected the response, and sender is the player attached to the roleplay stage the reply is attached to. If no sender is present, it uses the same as target. {| class="wikitable" |+ !Field !Type !Default !Description...")
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Lets you select a stage that the reply should go to, that way you can use conditions to have the same response take you to different stage.

In conditions, target is the player who selected the response, and sender is the player attached to the roleplay stage the reply is attached to. If no sender is present, it uses the same as target.

Field Type Default Description
Go to Roleplay Stage - END RP - Sets where the option should take the player.
Conditions Condition Conditions needed for the goto to trigger.
Add Roll Success Automatically adds conditions for a roll success (requires a roll in the parent reply object).
Add Roll Fail Automatically adds conditions for a roll failed (requires a roll in the parent reply object).