Action (Asset)

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This is the Action asset reference. If you want a tutorial, check out Creating an Action.

Spells and attacks are all actions. To link an action to a player, trainer, or NPC template, use the Player Action asset type.

Field Type Default Description
Label String Set to a unique label for your action. Do not edit after setting up your action!
Name String Name your action, doesn't have to be unique.
Icon Icon Icon for your action.
M.Off/Def/Uti Int 0 Momentum cost.
Cooldown Int 1 Cooldown in turns.
Init Cooldown Int 0 Start the battle with the ability on cooldown for this amount of turns. Usually used for boss mechanics.
Hit Chance Int 90 Hit chance in percent. Use 9001 for guaranteed hit. Not needed for beneficial actions.
Override disable lv Int 0 Overrides disable effects if above the disable effect's priority.
Cast time Int 0 Nr of turns needed to finish this action.
Allow while charging Boolean False When checked, this action may be used while the player is readying an action with a cast time.
Taunt Override Charge Boolean False If charged, taunt will override the cast target.
Ripostable Boolean False Allows the action to be riposted on miss. If the action missed, the action is run in reverse against the caster with the target as the new caster.
Group String Lets you group spells in the action bar. Mainly used for potions.
Charges Int 1 Max charges of the action that can be used. Each cooldown period adds 1 charge.
Start Charges Int -1 Set to -1 to start combat with max charges. Otherwise you can edit the nr of charges you start with.
Min Targets Int 1 Minimum targets to use this action.
Max Targets Int 1 Maximum targets that you can use this action on.
Target String target Overrides the target of the action.
Detrimental String yes Sets if the action is detrimental. Team makes it detrimental to players not on your team, and beneficial to players on your team.
Allow detrimental self cast Boolean False When true, it lets you use the action on yourself even if it's detrimental.
Type String physical Damage type
Range String Melee is affected by knockdown, ranged by silence, none by neither.
Standard Boolean False If set to standard, ALL players receive this action on game start.
Hidden Boolean False The only action that uses hidden is "end turn" which is technically an action.
Semi hidden Boolean False Hides the action in player inspect. Punishments use this.
Hide from action selector Boolean False Legacy option. Was used in repair kits.
Do not generate text Boolean False Prevents the game from trying to find a combat log text when using the action.
No interrupt Boolean False Prevents interrupt effects from interrupting this action (requires cast time).
Permanent Charges Boolean False Prevents cooldown from triggering. Can be used if you want to create an action with a finite amount of charges per battle.
Reset Interrupt Boolean False By default, having an ability interrupted causes it to go on cooldown. Checking Reset Interrupt finishes that cooldown immediately.
Hide if no viable targets Boolean False Hides the action from the action bar if no viable targets exist.
Cast if no viable wrapper Boolean False By default, actions can't be used if it doesn't have at least one wrapper that passes condition checks. This will bypass that.
Can crit Boolean False Can critically hit.
No clairvoyance Boolean False Doesn't show up when you use clairvoyance on the target.
Max wrappers Int 0 Max nr of wrappers to apply to each target. Use 0 for no limit.
Description String Describe your action. See below for variables that can be used here.
Target Description String Allows you to have a separate description while hovering the arrow above a target.
Wrappers Wrapper Wrappers to apply. At least one wrapper must apply to a target to consider it castable unless Cast if no viable wrapper is checked.
Wrapper Mods Wrapper Mod Lets you modify wrapper values and reuse the same wrapper in multiple actions.
Riposte Wrappers Wrapper Requires Riposte checked. Wrappers to apply back to the user if successfully riposted.
Riposte Wrapper Mods Wrapper Mod
Passives Wrapper Lets you grant the user passives while the action is slotted.
Interrupt Wrappers Wrapper Requires a cast time. Lets you run wrappers on the caster if the action is interrupted.
Interrupt Wrapper Mods Wrapper Mod
Cast Passives Wrapper Passives that will affect the caster while they're charging this action. Requires a cast time.
Tags Tag Tags to add to the player while the action is slotted.
Aliases String Lets you add aliases to other action labels to share their texts.
Alternate Crit Formula String A math formula that overrides the default critical hit chance modifier. Should result in a number between 0 and 1. Requires Can Crit to be checked.
Conditions Condition Conditions required to use the action. Note that wrapper conditions are also checked, and if no wrappers match any targets, then it will also be considered to be unusable. Conditions must be match on both cast start and cast end (for charged actions).
Show Conditions Condition Conditions required to show this action in the action bar. A commonly used condition is inCombat.
Cast Conditions Condition Conditions required to start a cast (needs a cast time), but not required to complete a cast.
Finish Conditions Condition Conditions required to finish a cast (needs a cast time), but not required to start it.

Common action tags

You should tag your actions, primarily to help NPCs decide how to use them. You'll want to use tags starting with ac_.

Tag Description
ac_buff Action is a buff
ac_debuff Action is a debuff
ac_heal Action has a healing component
ac_npc_important Action will be prioritized by NPCs and always used by NPCs whenever they can
ac_npc_first Use this first unless an important action is castable. Can be combined with ac_npc important to further increase ranking.
ac_npc_important_last Only works consistently for actions that don't require momentum. If no other actions can be used, then this will be used.
ac_interrupt Action has an interrupt component.
ac_item Action is tied to an item.
ac_mana_heal Action has a momentum restore component.
ac_self_heal Action has a self heal component.
ac_taunt Action has a taunt component.
ac_mana_damage Action has a momentum damage component.
ac_npc_ignore_aggro The NPC caster should ignore the aggro system and pick targets at random.