Encounter (Asset)
Encounters are used to add enemies, NPCs, and custom rules to dungeon rooms.
Field | Type | Default | Description |
Label | String | A unique label for your encounter. Do not change a label after creation. | |
Description | String | A description to help you locate your encounter later. The description is only used in the ditor. | |
Friendly | Boolean | False | If not marked as friendly, combat will start when the encounter starts. |
Proc Event | Boolean | False | Marks the encounter as a procedural event, used when you mark a room as having a procedural event. Note that if you specify procedural events in a Story, then only those will be included. |
Once | Boolean | False | Only used in procedural events. When checked, the event will only trigger once per game. |
Evt Weight | Float | 1 | Only used in procedural events. Increases or decreases the event's chance of being discovered. |
Override game over | Boolean | False | When checked, prevents the players from being send back to the start of the dungeon and regenerated if they are defeated. |
Start Text | String | Legacy. Outputs a string into the combat log when the encounter starts. | |
Respawn Time | Int | 0 | Used mainly for combat encounters that should respawn, such as beasts out in the field. Time is in game hours in seconds. |
Difficulty Adjust | Int | 0 | Lets you adjust the difficulty. 1 = 100% more difficult, -0.5 = half as difficult. |
Max players | Int | 0 | Max NPC templates to generate (minus Player NPCs). Use 0 for auto. |
Ambient Music | Music | Sets ambient music. If left empty, dungeon room or dungeon music is used. | |
Combat Music | Music | Sets combat music. If left empty, dungeon room or dungeon music is used. | |
Players | Player | Adds NPCs. | |
Player Templates | Player Template | Adds player templates that can be generated when the encounter starts. | |
Wrappers | Wrapper | Adds wrappers to apply to players when the encounter starts. | |
Wrapper Mods | Wrapper Mod | Lets you modify the wrappers you apply. Such as number of stacks. | |
Passives | Wrapper | Wrappers that affect all players that match wrapper conditions while the encounter is active. | |
Conditions | Condition | Conditions for this encounter to start. | |
Start/Passive game actions | Game Action | Game actions to run when the encounter starts, and passives. Commonly used to link roleplays to encounters. | |
Event Bindings | Encounter Event | Lets you trigger game actions based on events. | |
Finish Game Actions | Game Action | Lets you trigger a game action when the encounter is finished (combat is won). | |
Player Conditions | Condition | Lets you add conditions for certain players to show up. |