Shop (Asset)

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Revision as of 11:13, 20 February 2025 by JasX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Shops are places where you can buy and sell items (herp derp). Shops can have preset items and/or procedurally generated items. To tie a shop to a player, use a Game Action inside an Encounter. {| class="wikitable" |+ !Field !Type !Default !Description |- |Label |String | |A unique label for your shop. '''Do not modify after setting up your shop!''' |- |Name |String | |Name of your shop. Doesn't have to be unique. |- |Buys |B...")
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Shops are places where you can buy and sell items (herp derp). Shops can have preset items and/or procedurally generated items. To tie a shop to a player, use a Game Action inside an Encounter.

Field Type Default Description
Label String A unique label for your shop. Do not modify after setting up your shop!
Name String Name of your shop. Doesn't have to be unique.
Buys Boolean True If unchecked, you can't sell to this shop.
Nr random armors to generate Int 0 When set above 0, it'll generate some random armors to sell, otherwise only items specified in items will be sold. Only one of each random armor will sell.
Min rarity String UNCOMMON Minimum rarity of generated armor (requires generated armors above 0).
Items Shop Asset Item linking for items the shop should sell.
Conditions Condition Conditions for players to be offered the shop.
Generated Asset Types Asset Template Types of asset templates that can be generated if nr random armors to generate is > 0.
Generated Asset Materials Material Template Types of asset material templates that can be generated if nr random armors to generate is >0.