
From FetishQuest Wiki
Revision as of 17:44, 15 September 2023 by JasX (talk | contribs)
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Note: These pages generally reflect the dev branch. Note that mods created on the dev branch often don't work on the live branch until the live branch syncs with dev.

The best place to get information about specific asset types in the editor is to click the question mark on the window header. It's the most up to date information about what the asset is for and how to use the fields.

Basic controls in the editor:

Caption text
Ctrl+click Unlink a linked asset, or delete an asset.
Alt+click Clone an asset.

Suggested tutorials:

Caption text
Creating a mod How to create a new mod, and devtool basics.
Creating a Monster Goes through the process of making a monster, abilities for it, and attaching it to an encounter.
Creating a Dungeon How to create a dungeon and link it to the main mod.
Creating a Service NPC How to create an NPC that you can talk to, or offer services, and adding it to the world.
Creating an Action Creating an action and linking it to a player or NPC.
Creating an Armor Type Creating an armor/material that can be used in randomly generated equipment.
Creating a Roleplay How to create a dialog with an NPC.
Creating an Exploration Event How to create a random event that players may stumble upon in a dungeon (mainly exploration dungeons).
Creating an Enchant How to create an enchant and link it to the pool of random enchants available to generated equipment.
Creating an Exploration Dungeon How to create a procedurally generated dungeon template, and link it to the world.